Holy Week: The Week We Live at Church

Holy Week: The Week We Live at Church

Spiritual writer, Kathleen Norris, in her book, "The Cloister Walk," shares her Holy Week schedule. It includes morning prayers, choir rehearsal, evening liturgy services but what I really noticed, was right smack in the middle of her afternoons, she wrote "NAP!!!" Yes, in capital letters and extra exclamation points.

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How a Cradle Protestant Became A Catholic

How a Cradle Protestant Became A Catholic

“What’s holding you back?” she asked over a turkey sandwich.

“I not sure if I believe in Transubstantiation.” I said solemnly over a sip of tomato soup.

“Ha!” she laughed, her mouth open, revealing the unchewed bite of sandwich in the side of her cheek. “That’s not it!” she said loudly drawing a few looks from the other patrons at the bistro.

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