Everyday Moments or AI
/I wrote on Pope Francis's words and challenges us to embrace everyday moments made holy instead of letting AI take the creative lead.
Read MoreI wrote on Pope Francis's words and challenges us to embrace everyday moments made holy instead of letting AI take the creative lead.
Read MoreI wrote on my yearly pilgrimage to Surrey, UK to pray with the monks. I daydream about this place. It is featured greatly in my upcoming book.
Read MoreI saw a reel on Instagram showing pictures of Jesus present in our everyday lives. There was Jesus, sitting at one of those low Kindergarten tables, in a much-too-small-for-him chair, coloring with a small child. He looked as if he were having fun.
Read MoreReframing changes everything. When I know God is rooting for me, I don’t need anyone else to. Being my family’s cheerleader is no longer fueled by me but by God.
Read MoreYou may know I love to travel. This is why writing about Finding God in the Airport for Loyola Press was a delight.
Read MoreI wrote about finding God in a quotidian painting like Jean Siméon Chardin’s Soap Bubbles for Ignatian Spirituality.
Read MoreThen I saw it: tiny specks of dust floating in the shaft of light. There seemed to be millions of them! ...I was a superhero with super-amazing vision to see such tiny, little specks of dust.
Read More“I convert because the Catholic Church is apostolic. We can trace Pope Francis all the way to St. Peter and all the Apostles; I want to be a part of that.” She was absolutely beaming when she told me this. As someone who grew up in a church founded in the 1970s, I understood. To be part of something with all that history made me feel connected to the panorama of the Church throughout time.
In the book, First Belong to God, Austen Ivereigh quotes Pope Francis when he writes, “Joy is apostolic. It is ‘a clear indictor of grace.’”
Read MoreDo you choose a word for the new year? My word this year is LOVE.
Check out my latest for Ignatian Spirituality
Read MoreSan Fermo Maggiore Church in Verona, Italy, features foundation stones from the fifth century, so I was quite surprised to find, tucked behind one of the central pillars bearing the weight of the upper church, an exquisite modern sculpture of the Annunciation. Sometimes modern art in ancient places is jarring. It doesn’t fit quite right. Yet this piece took my breath away.
Read MoreWrote a Fall prayer for Ignatian Spirituality.
Read MoreAmong the many questions that surface is, “How will I know which voice is God?” This is not an easy question to answer.
Read MoreOne morning, when I returned to my car after my workout, the parking attendant told me he was taking a walk in his neighborhood and saw a building with James’s name on it. “Is it our James?” he asked. Yes, it is. I told him a story James told me long ago. He was an alcoholic, made a mess out of everything, and found himself in prison, at rock bottom. It was there in prison, as he got clean, that he could hear God’s voice more clearly. He knew he was loved by God, and he wanted others to know that love.
Read MoreI cringe now even thinking of it. Even the seconds after I asked, I cringed inside. Because how could I have cheapened the moment like that?
I was really excited to meet him. I wanted to share the moment online and with a friend who respects him too.
And snap.
I ruined it all.
Read MoreAs my sister Sara Jaimes says, Go Spread your Seeds of Discontent somewhere else!
My latest for Ignatian Spirituality on having a cheerful heart.
My latest for Ignatian Spirituality on learning to be fearless
Read MoreThis reflection for Ignatian Spirituality has been published while I've been gone. Read the background on all this JOY!
Read MoreChristmas is an easy time to show how God is present in our past and present. We tell the stories of God’s presence in the history of the earth. We also tell the stories of God’s presence in our own lives.
Read More"Depression and anxiety started to fade away. I could see God at work in the world around me more clearly. I started to realize so clearly that physical, mental, and spiritual health were all related. And I was happier."
Thrives on moments where storytelling, art and faith collide.