The Catholic Radio Morning Show
/This morning I jumped off the treadmill at 5:40am and into a side room at the gym to talk to Iowa’s Catholic Morning Show. We had an energizing fast paced chat about all things JOY. Listen in!
Read MoreThis morning I jumped off the treadmill at 5:40am and into a side room at the gym to talk to Iowa’s Catholic Morning Show. We had an energizing fast paced chat about all things JOY. Listen in!
Read MoreI had so much fun talking about Bald Eagles, my sons and JOY with Courtney Eliis on The Thing WIth Feathers Podcast
I hope you will listen and laugh with me. Or at me.
Read MoreI’ve always wanted to chat with Robert McCready since I met him on X. I finally got to as a guest on his podcast Evening Magic.
Read MoreHonored to talk to Jessica Hooten Wilson on The Scandal of Reading Podcast. We spoke about joy and Christian Wiman's collection of Joy Poetry. I would have talked to Jessica if no one listens to this podcast. She is that special of a woman.
Read MorePleased to share this conversation I had with Marc Shea of Performance Anxiety Podcast. We chat about writing, God, being included in Pope Francis’ Sharing the Wisdom of Time by Loyola Press, staying at monasteries and an Abbot’s questions about the Night Stalker, happiness vs joy, depression and my fear of capybaras. Basically, just a regular conversation with me.
Read MoreI was asked to speak on the Jason Rantz show about how I lost my column at NW Catholic when I spoke up against Gender Ideology being taught at my kids Catholic Prek-8th grade.
Read MoreI was interviewed for United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Made For Love podcast after my essay on vacations in Busted Halo. Host Sara Perla did an amazing job editing me. I sound like a lovable neurotic which is exactly me. Listen and Enjoy here.
Read MoreThrives on moments where storytelling, art and faith collide.