Books Read in January
/Some months every single thing you read is fantastic. This was one of those months so I had to share.
Read MoreSome months every single thing you read is fantastic. This was one of those months so I had to share.
Read MoreI get it. You think you are going to read War and Peace on your vacation. You think of all the time you’ll have at the airport, on the plane, waiting in line for tickets, but the reality is that you’ll see the Barbie movie is available on the in-flight entertainment system and you’d rather stare and quietly judge other families, than read.
Read MoreWhen I decided that I wanted to write a book on Joy, (Undaunted Joy: The Revolutionary Act of Cultivating Delight coming 2025 at Zondervan) I started to look for writers to be in conversation with. I read books already written on joy and then also books that were similar to what I wanted to do. What were these writers doing? What did I want to emulate? What did I want to do differently?
You might find a book or two to inspire you from this list. They are all joyful and thoughtful texts which I will return to and continue to have “conversations with” for years to come.
Read MoreSure I put candy in my kids Easter Baskets, I’m not a GRINCH!
But I love to put a few faithfilled gifts to remind them why we celebrate.
And with Baptisms, First Communions and Confirmations filling up my calendar for the next several months of Sundays, I thought I’d share a few of my favorite faith filled gifts with you.
Read MoreReading Classics with your children doesn’t have to be painful.
Read MoreHere are a few books I am looking forward to reading……and a few are available for pre-order!
Read MoreI read over 50 books a year so many ask “what were your favorites?” I decided to make a list to share.
Read MoreThis book is a companion, not merely something to read.
Read MorePerhaps because I write for Christian publications or perhaps it is because I have a million books of my own, people are often asking me for Christian book recommendations for children.
These are some of my favorites. I have picked up a few for my favorite little people and I hope you will too.
Read MoreThe books I read in January. These are all very short books. Less than 200 pages.
Find your next read.
Read MoreLibraries hold magic for Shemaiah. Not only are they doorways to new stories and worlds & characters, but as a bookworm, she feels at home being surrounded by books and fellow readers. For her, the library is more than a place — it’s an opportunity for community.
Read MoreIf you don’t know by now, I read A LOT.
People keep asking me what I’ve been reading lately so I thought I’d put them down in one post to share.
Read MoreI am OVERJOYED to share that my biography on writer Brian Doyle is now on the Liturgical Press website for pre-order! I look forward to sharing this book with you virtually and in person as we learn to look for God in the ordinary through Brian's eyes.
Read MoreThrives on moments where storytelling, art and faith collide.